December 2020 Newsletter

 Dear Friend of FOA,

 As we approach Christmas this year, we have the privilege of celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ humbled Himself and took on human flesh. He was born of a virgin to be our sinless Savior. He was born in Bethlehem – the same city where sacrificial lambs were raised for the sacrifices in Jerusalem each year. He was the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. We celebrate His birth because He was the promised seed of the woman mentioned in Genesis 3.  He came into the world for a reason.  He went to the cross as our substitute to pay the price of our sin.  We are purchased by His blood.  He was raised on the 3rd day defeating death and sin. He now is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven as our great High Priest. Mankind has the full provision of salvation available if we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior.

 In Colossians 3 we are told to set our minds on things above.  In Hebrews 12 we are told to fix our eyes on Jesus. While we celebrate his birth, we do not fix our eyes on the manger because Christ is not there.  While we remember his death, we do not fix our eyes on the cross because Christ is not there. Oh that we as believers would come to fix our eyes where Christ is in glory.  Oh that we as believers would understand our position in Christ and abide above where God has placed us in Christ.  God tells us in Ephesians 2 that we are seated with Christ.  This year as we celebrate Christ’s birth with thanksgiving for God’s faithful provision, let your mind dwell on all that He has provided for you as a believer in Christ.  This is the true and authentic message of love, peace, joy and hope that God has given us. 

 We have the privilege at FOA to proclaim this message each day to the men the Lord sends our way. Thank you for praying for these men. Their need has been met in Christ and it is our prayer that they recognize His provision.  At the end of November, we had one of our men trust Christ as his Savior!  Praise the Lord!  Thank you for praying for our staff as we rest in the provision of Christ’s life to minister God’s Word each day.  Please pray for our men during this time of year as most will be separated from family.  We desire to encourage them in these days and to remind them of the great gift God has provided for them in Christ!

 With gratefulness for God’s full Provision in Christ and your support,

 Aaron Bonner