What to expect in a normal day:

The normal day, Monday thru Friday, begins with breakfast at 6:30 AM in the dining room. A bell is rung 15 minutes before entering the dining room and then is rung again at mealtime. This is the procedure for each meal we serve which includes breakfast, lunch, and supper. After breakfast the men have about 40 minutes before class begins at 7:30 AM. They will take this time to clean their rooms, make their beds, and do any last minute lesson preparations from the day before. The staff will assemble in the office to make the plans for the days' activities. At 7:30 AM the students are called into the dining room where we hold our classes. The class will last about one and a half hours.

After class the men are given the work details for the day. Each man is required to participate in these "chores" as this is a part of the overall program of FOA. Some men will be supervised by various staff members while others have the same job each day and do not require the same supervision. The men will work until 11:30 AM at which time they will take a lunch break that extends to 1:00 PM. After lunch break the men will resume their work duties. They may change for the afternoon hours or may be the same. We always have to be flexible at the ministry because you never know what the Lord may have in store for you at any given time. There will be a break in the afternoon from 3:00 PM until 3:15 PM. We have a little snack bar where we sell candy and ice cream. The men then resume their responsibilities until 4:30 PM at which time they quit for the day and prepare for supper at 5:00 PM.

On Monday nights we have a Q&A session at 6:30 PM for an hour. On Tuesday nights from 6:30 PM til 7:30 PM we have mentor groups. All the men are divided into four smaller groups of about 10-12 in each group for Bible studies that would help each man understand more about the Christian walk. Wednesday nights we have Prayer meeting and Bible study. Thursday night is an off night. Friday night we have Chapel Service.

Each night curfew is at 11:00 PM. All lights must be turned out.

During free time we have several opportunities to spend your time. For exercise we have a weight room, game room, volleyball, basketball, and horseshoes. We have a library to read and study. We have two TV rooms; one which plays movies and the other sports. You can occupy your time with board games in the dining room. There are many opportunities to keep oneself busy during the free time.

Saturdays are a bit different. They begin with breakfast at 6:30 AM. Instead of class at 7:30 AM we have a group session to discuss any problems over the past week and listen to any concerns the men might have as a result with many personalities living under one roof. After that session we have different duties for the morning hours until 11:00 AM. At 11:00 AM the men come in to clean their rooms. After that has been accomplished the TVs can be turned on and the men take the rest of the day off. If the individual qualifies for visitation from their family member, that occurs on Saturday or Sunday from 12:00 noon until 4:00 PM. There is nothing scheduled for the evening hours so this time is for relaxation and possibly playing volleyball or basketball.

Sunday morning we have breakfast at 7:30 AM. After breakfast each man is making preparation to attend church. Sunday morning we attend church on the grounds of FOA. The church is called Berean Bible Church. The afternoon is for relaxation and visitation. Sunday evening we have a service beginning at 6:00 PM for an hour. After the service is free time for the men.