October 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friend of FOA,

This October we are thankful to the Lord for 63 years that the ministry of FOA has been in existence.  The ministry began with the focus of looking to God’s Word to deal with the issue of addiction.  We view addiction issues (drugs, alcohol, etc.) as a sin problem that God has dealt with through the finished work of Jesus Christ.  We unashamedly teach the Word of God each day to the men with us and pray for them to come to know Christ as their personal Savior and grow in Him to know Christ as their very life.  God has been faithful to sustain us for these 63 years and to use His Word to change lives.  Please continue to pray for our men to be receptive to God’s Word and trust the power of God to change their lives.

FOA began being supported by individuals and churches who agree with us in our view of addiction.  We have always held that the work of proclaiming the gospel should be supported by believers.  We do not receive government funding or go about fundraising.  We trust the Lord with our needs and reach out to the body of Christ to let them be aware of our needs as necessary.  We seek to be wise stewards of the physical donations the Lord provides for us.  This is one reason we attach our financial statement to each newsletter.  For those of you who keep up with these statements you will notice that over the past few months our giving has been down.  Our expenses have been pretty consistent, although all of us are dealing with rising costs of goods.  Please pray for this specific financial need as we trust the Lord to provide.  While we are thankful to be carrying a significant positive balance at this time, we know we must be able to meet our monthly expenses.

While it is only October, please begin to pray how you or your church might encourage our men this upcoming Christmas through gift bags that we put together for them.  These bags include toiletry items and basic clothing items (socks, underwear, undershirts, sweatshirts, work gloves, skull caps) to give to our men.  We are always thankful for your response.  In addition to this upcoming need, we are especially in need of towels, twin bed sheets and twin blankets at this time.  Thank you for your continued prayers regarding the needs mentioned in this letter.  From material needs to the greatest need of changed lives, we are thankful for God’s faithfulness.   

Resting in our Great Provider,  

Aaron Bonner