January 2021 Newsletter

 Dear Friend of FOA,

 A New Year is before us, and while some want to forget 2020 I am thankful the Lord is always at work. Last year had plenty of trials but the Lord is always faithful to use trials to teach us more of His faithfulness and sufficiency. While things here at our ministry changed, the unchangeable Word of God continued to change lives. In 2020 we saw the Lord continue to send broken men our way and change their lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ – the power of God unto salvation for all those who believe. In 2021, we will continue teaching the unchanging Word each day to the men the Lord brings our way. The brokenness of our world magnifies our need of Christ.

 Just yesterday I had a difficult phone call from the mother of a student who left last week after just a few weeks with us. He left early due to medical needs. Unfortunately, upon his return home he continued his drug use, and this call was to tell me he had died from a drug overdose. We grieve with his family. Just a couple of weeks ago this man told me that he was a believer in Jesus Christ and wanted to change his life. I am hopeful that he was indeed a child of God through faith in Christ. His death hit our students hard and reminded all of us where our sin can lead. Please pray for his family and pray for our students to understand the importance of walking with Christ.

 At Christmas we allowed 12 students to go home on pass. They returned and quarantined. Unfortunately, we had a positive test for Covid and they are still quarantined. No one has had any major symptoms. Please pray for these 12 men and our staff member, Anthony Horne, who is with them in quarantine.

 Thank you all so much for your response in giving to help with the Christmas bags for our men.  Your generosity allowed us to fill their bags with needed items and to have some left over to share with new men who come into our program. 

 Finally, I want to make you aware of a recent article that John Lee wrote in the Madison County Journal about FOA and Dad’s recent retirement. If you are interested, you can find it online by searching “Madison County Journal Friends of Alcoholics.” 

 With gratefulness for God’s faithfulness to use His Word to change our lives,

 Aaron Bonner