February 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friend of FOA, 

I love the simplicity of the gospel message. We must come to see our need - we can’t save ourselves or produce anything righteous or acceptable to God. That statement is offensive to many, but it is the truth of God’s Word. Only through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ can someone be saved, and as a result God receives all the glory. 

The gospel message continues into the Christian life with the same simplicity. We must come to see our need – we can’t live the Christian life ourselves. Christ tells us in John 15 that apart from Him we can do nothing. Paul tells us in Romans 7 that in our flesh dwells no good thing. This message can also be offensive to the believer. The downward growth of recognizing these truths is necessary for us to see God’s provision. Just as we found faith in Christ sufficient for salvation, we will find faith in Christ sufficient for the Christian life. “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20 (NASB). And of course, God receives all the glory. 

We have the privilege to teach these truths each day to the men the Lord brings our way. We do not teach the wisdom of the world but the wisdom from God. To the unbeliever it is foolishness but to those who are being saved it is the power of God. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in the lives of men at FOA. 

In last month’s letter I mentioned that we had a positive Covid test from our men returning from Christmas pass. After 4 more positive tests, these men finally got out of quarantine on February 1st after just over a month. We are thankful there were no severe cases that required hospitalization. However, this delayed our ability to bring new men into our program. We look forward to once again starting the process of bringing new men in. Please pray for them to be prepared to receive the truth of the Word of God. Thank you for your continued prayers for the protection of our ministry from coronavirus. 

Trusting in the Faithful One, 

Aaron Bonner